These pages point to Serial ATA-related items that I post from time to time, while developing the Linux SATA drivers. SATA driver source code can be downloaded from here []. SATA driver patches can be downloaded from here [2.4/2.6].
Hardware/driver status report Updated September 29, 2006. SATA hardware feature support matrix, with annotations as to what is (or will be) supported by libata.
Software status report Updated September 29, 2006. Lists the various SATA features libata does/does not support, and, for in-progress features, the stage of completion.
Updated January 7, 2007. Answers frequently asked questions
about libata.
libATA feature table. Updated September 29, 2006. Concise lists of the various SATA features libata does and does not support.
SATA RAID FAQ. Frequently asked questions related to SATA RAID hardware / software functionality under Linux. A bit tongue-in-cheek, but nonetheless factual.
libATA Developer's Guide Updated September 29, 2006. Fully open source book. 158 pages. Provides a reference for all libata functions: driver API, library, and internals. Eventually I hope to add more exposition on ATA and SATA fundamentals.
Development resources. For developers interested in working on the libata SATA driver core, writing a libata driver, or simply those interested in understanding how OS drivers for SATA function, this page is your resource.